Safran Morpho Morphosmart Software Developers Kit
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Safran Morpho Morphosmart Software Developers Kit

Score: 3.50 (votes: 2)


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The Morphosmart Software Developers Kit (SDK) allows programmers to integrate the full range of Moirphosmart Fingerpront deveices into any applicaiton.

  • £29.95
In stock (1 item available)

MorphoSmart™ provides an innovative and effective solution for applications using Fingerprint Verification or/and Identification.

Among the many biometric sciences, the use of finger imaging has significant advantages. Each finger is a unique physical signature developed before birth and is preserved until death.

The MorphoSmart™ terminal integrates Sagem Sécurité image processing and features matching algorithms (MorphoSoft™ and MorphoImaging™). This technology is based on lessons learned during more than 20 years of experience in the field of biometric identification and the processing of literally millions of individual fingerprint identification records.

The MorphoSmart™ fingerprint readers are fast, accurate, and easy to use as a biometric device.

Morphosmart™ SDK Advantages

The MorphoSmart™ devices offer the following advantages:

• high quality optical scanner,
• software development suite (MorphoSmart™ SDK) for all MorphoSmart™ devices,
• Key Management System (MorphoSmart™ KMS) for Secure MorphoSmart™,
• False Finger detection (only available with MorphoSmart™ MSOxx1),
• PC/SC Smart Card Reader (only available with MorphoSmart™ MSO35x and MSO1350),
• compact size for easy installation and integration into your available office space,
• intuitive interface that is easy to use in both setup and operational modes.

Morphosmart™ SDK Contents

The MorphoSmart™ Software Development Kit, provides the required elements to enable you to develop your own applications for MorphoSmart™ devices. It is a usually delivered via an online download which contains :
• all the documentation required for MorphoSmartTM devices use and integration, including a programmer development guide
• the MorphoSmart™ USB driver for Windows™ PC,
• sample applications which enables to demonstrate the MorphoSmart™ functions
• source files of sample applications
• libraries (dll) and ActiveX with MorphoSmart™ device functions

    • SKU
  • Manufacturer
    Idemia / Safran / Morpho / Sagem
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Score: 3.50 (votes: 2)
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  • David B
    Oct 18, 2016, 08:48
    SDK is simple and easy to use. Thank you for your excellent support!
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